Starting off Strong: New Semester, New Goals


A new semester means a fresh start full of opportunity to set new goals, overcome setbacks and achieve new heights! Whether you are setting goals for healthy eating, activity, or classes- keep reading to learn five tips to stay motivated and focused.

Tips for Turning Goals into Reality:

1. Have a vision and mission 

    • A vision outlines specifically where you want to go. Put a number on what you want to achieve.
    • A mission outlines how you will achieve your vision. What steps will you take to achieve your goal?


Vision: I want to improve my iron levels to the healthy target range.

Mission: I will improve my iron levels by incorporating more iron rich foods in my diet. 

2. Break it down into mini goals 

    •  Breaking the bigger goal into smaller approaches you can do daily makes it much less daunting and much more achievable!


Have a serving of iron-rich foods at each meal, e.g. beans, meat, etc.  

3. Set a “SMART” goal  

    •  Specific
    • Measurable
    • Action-oriented
    • Realistic
    • Time-framed


I will improve my iron levels to the healthy target range in 3 months by eating one iron-rich food at each meal. 

4. Identify your support structure   

    • Share your goal with others, and you may even find an accountability buddy who keeps you on track!
    • Reach out to an expert for advice.


Speak to a dietitian about what foods to incorporate in order to improve iron intake.  

5. Create a reward system 

    • Celebrate each win, no matter how big or small!

Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when you are starting with a new goal. However, goals can help you grow and soon enough, your goals will become an everyday reality!



Got Goals? Tips for Staying Motivated. Live it Good. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from

Your Guide to Setting Living Goals. Unlock Food. (2020, October 13). Retrieved September 2, 2022, from


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